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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Evaluation of Learning in Moral Education and Pupils' Behavior

( Volume 6 Issue 2,February 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Bipoupout , Muluh Rinkline Lum


From a context characterized by a high rate of misbehavior among children in the society as well as in school, a preoccupation of increasing the place given to moral in curriculum development, this study is aimed at investigating the relationship between evaluation of learning in the moral education teaching process in school and pupils’ behavior. The hypothesis which guided this study was “there is a significant relationship between evaluation of learning related to moral education and pupils’ behavior”. Through a survey design where 50 teachers randomly selected from 11 schools in Santa sub-division, the findings revealed that the correlation between evaluation of learning, and pupils’ behavior was significant. The study confirmed also that if most pupils showed a disruptive behaviour, it was because most teachers lacked skills in evaluation.

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