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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Experimental Demonstration of the Relational Character of Time in Natural Processes; Concept of Time in the Relational World

( Volume 5 Issue 4,October 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

A. Titov


Using new experimental techniques, studies of thermal evolution processes are performed in systems, which are beyond the description of theoretical physics. Evolution process is characterized by braking symmetries in time and in space and by violations of conservation laws of energy and momentum. It is shown experimentally that the superposition principle is not valid for electromagnetic (EM) fields interacting with material objects; the Poynting vector of the external field is the source of changes in the properties and structure of the irradiated object; the thermal hysteresis loop presents a record of the process in two locations. The interaction of material objects through common EM field, which is carrying the contributions of the hysteresis effects in the parts of each interacting object, can be described only by the concept of a process that is characterized by its dependence on the huge number of correlated influence factors. The flux of Poynting vector of common EM field through boundary surface of the irradiated object is the reason for the development of the thermal process inside it, thus realizing the interrelation of one to all in the Leibniz relational World. Defining the concept of time as a reference process in experiments, in which the records of the states of one of the process are performed in terms of the states of the reference process in some material detector, we obtain the concept of time as a natural development of the basic principles of G. W. Leibniz, E. Mach, A. Einstein, W. Pauli, D. Kleppner.



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