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Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emissions using Ethanol Petrol Blends in SI Engine-A Comparative Study of 2-Stroke and 4- Stroke SI Engines

( Volume 3 Issue 2,August 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

P. Sivaram, Dr. N. Haribabu, K. Siddhardha Kumar, B.V.V Prasada Rao


The huge consumption of fossil fuels is directly affects the economy of our country as importing it from other countries so this may give scope for many researchers to find other alternatives to drag out the usage of petroleum. Thus, using bio-fuel as an alternative, the problem could be reduced. Also the transportation mainly depends on the fossil fuels particularly liquid fuels which are depleting at much faster rate than production. The transport vehicles also based on usage operated on 2-stroke and 4 –stroke engines. In present work both the test engines are considered for experimental study with approximately equal horse power and rated speed for comparative study, run with various blends of gasoline-ethanol and also evaluated using pure petrol fuel without any modification in a present engine. India is ranked second place in cultivating sugar cane, from which ethanol is produced and 99% purity ethanol is considered for the preparation of test fuels. Experiments were conducted using different blends of gasoline-ethanol such as E0 (Pure petrol), E20 (20% of ethanol in vol.based), E30 (30% of ethanol in vol.based), E40 (40% of ethanol in vol.based), and E50 (50% of ethanol in vol.based) and its effect on specific fuel consumption, break thermal efficiency and emissions with respect to the engine load taking pure petrol as datum. The results of experimental investigation were compared between 2-stroke and 4 –stroke engines. Results show that alternative fuel like ethanol blending with gasoline increases the thermal efficiency in 4-stroke engine, liberates less emission and also noticed the better combustion.

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