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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Experimental Investigation on Soil Stabilisation Using Rubber Crumbs on Expansive Soil

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ms.L.Kokila, G.Bhavithra, V.Hemapriya, C.Iniya, P.Madhunigga


To withstand the load soil is the basic foundation for the structure. Weak in the strength, high degree of expansion and contraction due to the presence of montmorilonite minerals causes differential settlement in a structure which leads to failure in the black cotton soil. To increase the engineering properties and to make it suitable for the construction purpose it is required to stabilize the soil. It can be done by various methods such as by using lime, cement, textile effluent, plastic, etc. In this study the stabilization is carried out by using increasing percentage of rubber crumbs along with lime under suitable test. The main objective is to increase the CBR value.

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