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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Factors affecting Muslim Evangelism: A Study of Free Pentecostal Church of Babati Council Town, Tanzania

( Volume 11 Issue 4,October 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Akimana Canisius


Factors, Muslim Evangelism, Free Pentecostal Church, Tanzania.


The topic of this research is ‘Factors Affecting Muslim Evangelism: A Study of Free Pentecostal church of Babati Council Town, Tanzania in Babati Council Town-Tanzania. The purpose of this study is to listen and understand pastors and other key people explaining factors affecting Muslim evangelism, and how does preparation for evangelism to Muslims influence its success in Babati Council Town? What role does the training of evangelists at the Free Pentecostal Church play in the success of evangelizing to Muslims in Babati Council Town Tanzania? How does one’s Christian lifestyle at Free Pentecostal Church relate to their success in evangelizing Muslims in Babati Council Town? The study served as a reference to pastors, Churches, Christian non-governmental organizations, and outreach teams involved in Muslim evangelism in Babati and Tanzania at large. It is hoped to enhance mission work for those interested in evangelizing the Muslims in Tanzania and the rest of the world. It is significant to other researchers interested in factors hindering Muslim evangelism in different places of the world. The data collection was through interviews and participatory observation. The interviews were recorded. Church pastors and members in the church at Babati shared with the researcher their daily experience in Muslim evangelism. The study targeted 50 respondents. The data collection tools used were interviews and participant observation. The data analysis was done using Qualitative Data Analysis Miner Lite Version 2.0.7. The data presentation was through figures and tables. The results evidenced that there is a lack of training from all the five churches.

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