T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Forum for Reflection and Debate: People, the Heart of Companies

( Volume 7 issue 3,September 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Carmen Echazarreta Soler, Albert Costa Marcé


A forum for reflection and multidisciplinary and multi-professional debate is established to discuss and define relevant and significant indicators that facilitate the identification, differentiation and promotion of inclusive companies. Following an exhaustive bibliographical review, the debate focuses on four axes: inclusive companies, work teams, corporate social responsibility and responsible marketing. The conclusions highlight a series of differential characteristics of an inclusive company: a) Open Company: with the capacity to listen, transparent, in coherence with society, committed and responsible; b) Leadership that inspires, legitimates and stimulates; c) Work in teams managed by values; d) Fair remuneration for its workers; d) Creation of an environment that respects and promotes equality and diversity and rejects all forms of discrimination; e) Guarantee of universal accessibility; f) Promotes medical and health care to guarantee hygiene and safety at work; g) Promotes the reconciliation of work and family life as well as teleworking; h) Fosters continuous updating and recycling; i) Promotes professional development; j) Fosters strong links with the community, promoting volunteering, making donations, etc. k) Care for the well-being of its teams; l) Treats its workers, customers and suppliers fairly, and m) Has corporate social responsibility integrated within its founding principles. By defining quantitative and qualitative indicators, we provide a business management tool based on the management of people in organizations. The reflection, debate and knowledge generated on this expert forum is aimed at knowledge transfer in four areas: research, education, entrepreneurship and business.

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