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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Games-Based Language Learning with Creative Teaching Aids among Technical College Students

( Volume 5 Issue 6,December 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Lin-Fang Wu


With the dawning of globalization, the importance of English is becoming more and more important. Researchers spend a lot of time investigating how to teach English effectively. Vocabulary is the foundation is English learning and teaching. The recent research indicated that most of technical college students’ vocabulary size is under 2000. The major hindrance of English learning and teaching is vocabulary limitation. Expanding vocabulary size is the way to help learners have an effective learning. Video games, DVD, and online language learning are popular with most the English learners and teachers. Motivation is the key factor for affect learners’ second language acquisition. In this study, the researcher used her invention “dices with teaching function” as teaching aids in the classes for one year. A total of fifty-two nursing department students participated in this study at junior college division of Fooyin University. Instruments are included five dices and a motivation questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that learners’ motivation was enhanced significantly after one year training with creative learning aids.

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