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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Greek Traditional Dances Program and Self-Evaluated Effects and Changes in Life

( Volume 5 Issue 6,December 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Eir. Argiriadou, F. Mavrovouniotis, A. Mavrovouniotis, Chr. Mavrovounioti, N. Nikitaras, C. Mountakis


The purpose of the present study was the evaluation of the effects of Greek traditional dancing programs on middle-aged people’s life. Seventy one subjects (60 women and 11 men) 51.92+4.99 years old, members of different dance clubs, participated in the research. All the subjects participated in a group dancing program for learning and performing Greek traditional dances once a week. The effects and changes in life due to participation in the Greek traditional dancing program were measured through questions by Chewing, Yu και Johnson (http://www.krapu4.com/taichi/research/Chewing Yu Johnson B. htm#emotions). For data analysis were used the descriptive analysis and Pearson chi-square test of the SPSS version 17 for windows. From the results, it was proved that almost 90% of the subjects supposed that their participation in the Greek traditional dancing program had an effect on their lives. The bigger percentage declared that the participation in Greek traditional dances offered them joy, well-being and calmness (33.30%), as well as many effects on their bodies (33.30%), while a smaller percentage claimed that their participation in the program offered them sociability-participation in a group (16.70%) and activity increase (16.70%). In addition, more than 4/5 (86.50%) believe that their participation in the Greek traditional dancing program has changed their confidence concerning their mobility or possible falls. About three-quarters of the subjects (73.70%) consider that their participation in the program of Greek traditional dances influenced in any way their everyday activities. The majority (78.90%) believe that their physical activity has changed as a result of their participation in the program of Greek traditional dances. Finally, all people think they have been benefited from their participation in the Greek traditional dancing program, which is very important. In addition, the Pearson chi-square test showed a significant effect (x2=8.15, p<0.05) of the years that the subjects participated in Greek traditional dancing programs on the feeling of people's confidence in their mobility or possible falls. Thus, as the years of participation in Greek traditional dances are increasing, the feeling of people's confidence in their mobility or even the potential falls is increasing. From the results, it was shown that all the middle-aged people suppose that they have been benefited from their participation in the Greek traditional dancing program.The benefits concern their better emotional state expressed in joy, well-being, calmness and sociability-participation in a group, but also their better physical condition, confidence in their mobility and possible falls, increase in their physical activities and the effects on everyday activities. The importance of participation in Greek traditional dances is also worth mentioning. Thus, it could be said that the participation in Greek traditional dancing programs brings about effects and changes on life. Consequently, Greek traditional dances as a regular physical activity may be extremely useful for the quality of life of middle-aged people offering many benefits.

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