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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Green Building: Imperative Panacea for Environmental Sustainability and Life Cycle Construction in Nigeria

( Volume 7 issue 3,September 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Oluwadare Joshua OYEBODE


Green Building is a concept that mitigates against the negative side effects of developmental activities on the environment. This paper assessed the feasibility of green building for environmental sustainability and life cycle of construction works. Various constructions related to green building were examined. The construction materials and methods used in Nigeria today, tend to have a deleterious effect on the environment around the construction site; either by the clearing of vegetation which leads to loss of wildlife, or the use of fossil fuels such as coal; which emit greenhouse gasses. It has been discovered that lack of renewable energy harvesting plants assists in countering the effects of the depleting natural resources, as well as water/sewage treatment plants, recycling plants and so on. This do not encourage green environments as these have adverse effects on the depletion of raw materials, and this therefore helps increase the prices of newly manufactured goods. This also has adverse effects on the economy as it can lead to inflation and high demand for products. More research work should be done on this for economy of construction works, possible, implementation and sustainable environment.

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