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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Identification of Responsible Clinicians in a Digitalised Healthcare Environment

( Volume 16 Issue 1,January 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ankit Sinha, Rebecca Nunn, Eriberto Farinella


Digitalisation, electronic patient records, general surgery, escalation


Digitalisation of healthcare services involves the integration of technology for the provision of mobile health, wearable devices, information technology and telehealth to name a few examples. Within information technology, electronic medical records (EMRs) are increasingly replacing paper charts. However, the greater reliance on technology can present with incorrect implementation or usage of it. One such example involves the accurate identification of the consultant responsible for newly admitted patients on EMRs, which if done inaccurately could be a disaster for the patients’ care. We wanted to assess this identification and its impact.



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