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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Influence of Teaching Experience on Use of Practical Methods among Secondary School Agriculture Teachers in Bureti Sub County, Kenya

( Volume 13 Issue 4,October 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Amos Bett, Agnes O. Nkurumwa, James Obara


Performance, practical methods, secondary schools, teaching experience.


A good teaching method in agriculture provide a basis for a student to gain useful knowledge, learn appropriate skills, and develop a positive attitude towards agriculture as a subject. This is eventually reflected in good performance in the subject by the students. Performance of agriculture subject at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) level has consistently be low in Bureti Sub-county and the country at large. The purpose of this study was to determine 1he influence of teaching experience on use of practical methods in teaching agriculture in secondary schools in Bureti Sub-county of Kericho County, Kenya. Ex-post facto research design was used. The target population was agriculture teachers of secondary schools in Bureti Sub County. Census sampling was used to select 66 agriculture teachers in 52 secondary schools in the Sub-county. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and it involved simple regression analysis and descriptive statistics. The study showed that there is significant influence of teaching experience on use of practical methods in teaching agriculture in secondary schools in Bureti Sub-county. The study recommends that agriculture teachers should be exposed to more  hands-on activities during training and be in-serviced more frequently to gain necessary experience so as to be able to conduct practical lessons.



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