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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Investigating the Significance of Humanitarian Aid Delivery in Somalia

( Volume 16 issue 3,March 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ridwaan Hassan Abdi


Localization, Aid Delivery, Decentralization, Capacity Development, International Community, Local Actors.


The study focuses on analyzing the significance of aid delivery in Somalia by the international community. With the prolonged humanitarian crisis in Somali, lasting the last three decades, it is expected that the international organizations involved in the aid delivery missions in various areas have incorporated the local organizations in their programs. The research adopted descriptive research approach that applied quantitative method in the collection and analysis of data. The quantitative method used questionnaires to collect data and involved 23 local community representatives, that also included 10 government officers involved in aid delivery.

The finding of the study indicate that the international community have not sufficiently applied the localization agenda in aid delivery in Somalia. The existing aid delivery structures in Somalia still depends on the management and control of the international community. Even though the local organizations are involved in the implementation, much of the decision making and control of resources is by the international community. The main barriers identified to the localization agenda is the limited capacity of the local actors, and lack of decentralized policies of aid delivery.

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