Articles in International journals are mostly written by students, researchers and professors. Thousands of International Journals are published in Vitolishte, and many others have been published at various points in the past . WJRR "World Journal of Research and Review" is an international peer reviewed, online journal Published monthly by WJRR Publication. WJRR Publications is a privately owned publishing company dedicated to the global dissemination of information.We strongly believe that the open access model will spur research across the world especially in developing nations, as researchers gain unrestricted access to high quality research articles. Our journal aims to bring out the research talent and the works done by scientists, academia, engineers, practitioners, scholars, post graduate students of Engineering and Science. We Publish Multidisciplinary researches and articles of Science, Technology, Engineering, Management, Life Sciences, Education, Mathematics, Marketing, Human Resource.
"WJRR" is steered by a distinguished Board of Editors and is supported by an international review board consisting of prominent individuals representing many well-known universities, colleges, and corporations in the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, China, India and many more.
Author's Research Publication Tips
What are the benefits of writing a research paper ?
Often, students asked to us regarding publish a research paper. But sometimes you have thought that What are the benefits of writing a research paper? What would you gain from writing this ? Writing a research paper is not easy work. That is why students arrive at this conclusion only after getting the answers to their questions whether they should write a research article or fees.
The benefit of writing a research paper is as follows:
Develop deep thinking
Development of communication skills
Improvement In the research skill field
Develop ability to create and exchange ideas
Domain Authorization
Is it necessary to publish a paper in a journal?
Doing research and proving its authenticity are both different things. Everyone is free to do research, but if you want to get the work done valid then you have to publish your work in a good journal.
Call for Papers
Last Date of Paper Submission March 29, 2025
Review Report (Faster Online Peer Review) : Within 3-4 Days after Submission
Publication (online)
Within 1-2 Days After Registration
If your paper is accepted for publication, with the acceptance letter of your paper you will get the account detail in which you can deposit fees simply by going your nearly bank branch or by online transfer.