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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Literature Review on Examination Stress amongst School Going Students

( Volume 9 Issue 3,September 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Amitkumar Gosar , Saindhavi Venkatraman


In today’s rapidly growing world, people are completely occupied into their activities and have no time to think about their mental health. The fast growing era has led to the competitive edge amongst all the age groups and at the same time this as brought lot of stress in the life of each and every one. The magnitude of the stress might vary for an individual but since the stress bearing capacity also vary from person to person, the results of this stress are also varying in nature, leading to mental disorders like Anxiety and depression or a physiological disorders like high blood press, Diabetes or cardiac problem. The stress bearing capacity majorly depends on the personality type and traits of an individual and the school age is the major part of an individual’s life in shaping the personality. Hence in this research article, the emphasis was given to check the literature, where the work has been published on examination stress of school going children.



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