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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Literature review on the Role of Intuition in Decision Making Process

( Volume 9 Issue 4,October 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Amit Kumar Gosar, Dr. Renati Solomon


The Decision making has become an integral part of modern management. Sound, rational and quick decision making is the primary job for any manager. The Decision making involves choosing of the option from all the available alternatives. This selection can be done based on available data or past experience or gut feeling. The difference between gut feeling and Intuition is very thin. Any decision taken based on Intuition is more scientific in nature, however, it requires a skill for any decision maker. Lot of research has been done on the managerial decision making and the decisions based on Intuition. A great amount of work has also been done separately on the intuition. Hence the efforts have been made in this paper to compile the literature review and find out the research gap and based on which the future course for research can be suggested.

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