T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCS) Avenues for Students and Employed for Productivity and Growth

( Volume 2 Issue 3,March 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Roopali Sood, Ayush Garg


Paper If we are using news paper every morning we are considered to be in small minority. It may be the news on TV ,Radio or may switch to internet for brief information using Smartphone or tablet there by engaging ourselves in micro learning. Millennial have grown up with devices, they are comfortable with them, and they demand that they deliver in lightning speed. This new rapid demand and rapid delivery, many say, is the major cause of the human attention span decreasing by 4 seconds since 2000 – to an average of 8 seconds, according to a recentMicrosoft study.[1]Employees crave is short spurts of learning in bite-sized chunks that they can engage in on their own time. They are not opposed to training and new learning – they just want more control about how and when they do it. Employers need to respond to the truth that technology can meet these employee needs and wants, and that micro-learning will be cheaper, more efficient, and, ultimately, moreeffective.[1]

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