T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Minimizing Energy Waste: Solutions for After-Hours Electrical Consumption in University Campuses and Impact on Dentistry

( Volume 20 Issue 1,January 2025 ) OPEN ACCESS

Syed Abid, Mohammed Hattab, Alaa Emad


Energy, Electricity, University, Green dentistry.


Ajman university is a collaboration of multiple colleges segregated into two main buildings J1 and J2, and each of them contains various labs, clinics, halls, and amenities.The primary objectives of this research are to conduct a literature review on consumption of energy in various universities, along with that to conduct a detailed investigation to find out the sources of energy wastage in Ajman university after the working hours and to provide solutions to counteract those issues and to also discuss the impact that energy conservation has in the field of dentistry.Data collection is done by physical observation of the facilities and identifying the potential sources of energy wastage from 10pm to 8am which corresponds to the closed hours of the university during normal working days. Wattage for each component was found and used to calculate the total wattage and to estimate the total cost for the energy being used. It was found that despite multiple appliances utilizing energy, the vending machines present in the corridors were utilizing the highest amount of energy while the washrooms were among the secondary factors. There are various solutions to resolve these issues from using LED lights to incorporating light sensors as well as incorporating solar technology. Despite various limitations, the study proves the hypothesis, and it can be concluded that significant changes need to be made to conserve the wastage of energy.



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