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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Multiple Human Bodies: Psychological understanding of Holistic Approach and Intuition

( Volume 8 Issue 5,May 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Amit Gosar


The existence of the human system is generally considered by limiting it to the physical body and physical reality for most of the practical purposes. The whole biological science evolved after Isaac Newton’s finding of the smallest element having particle nature. But the discovery of Albert Einstein of smallest element having wave nature and his great invention of E = MC2, has changed the direction and dimension of the physical science. However, ancient Indian literature has said it thousands of years ago and has explained the multidimensionality of the human existence and also about multiple bodies other than this physical body. Different aspects of this multiple dimensionality have been reviewed and are covered in this article. These explanations can throw light of many of the complex psychological and behavioral aspects of the human existence. The phenomenon of intuition has also been explained w.r.t. multiple bodies concept.



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