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World Journal of Research and Review

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New Studies of Thermal Evolution Process

( Volume 9 Issue 1,July 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Alexandre Titov


Using new experimental techniques of synchronous differential thermal measurements, studies of thermal evolution processes are performed in a tungsten carbide gauge block that is, in the material often used in interferometric length measurements in international comparisons. It is shown experimentally that the consecutive states of the system under our experimental conditions can be only described as an irreversible in time, non-repeatable evolution process that is characterized by braking symmetries in time and in space. As the studied system is an open one, the standard laws of conservation of energy and momentum for the system (following from the theories developed in the framework of Newtonian paradigm) are clearly violated. The experiments, performed with the new material, obviously demonstrate that the superposition principle is not valid for electromagnetic fields interacting with material objects. It is proved that the fluxes of energy and momentum of the external field through the surface of the material object is the driving source of all changes in the properties and in the structure of the irradiated object. The hysteresis curves, which are changing continuously with the variations of the observation position and in time, characterize the evolution process that is observed in two different locations on the surface of material artifact but at the same time moment. All the changes inside the object are associated with the propagation of the field-particle system within the material artifact as a response to the absorption of the fluxes of energy and momentum of the external field that is created by all external partners of the specified object in the system. The parameters of the propagation of the field-particle system (velocity, amplitude) depend critically on the previous history of the object. The interaction of material objects through the common field realizes the Leibniz’s principle of “interrelation of one to all, and of all to one”. When the evolution of each material object occurs under the influence of the infinite number of correlated factors, the description of the resulting non-repeatable, irreversible in time process is not possible in terms of mathematics. Here, we present one of the experimental demonstrations of the basic principle of Leibniz relational world:” Every simple Substance is by its nature a concentration, and a living mirror of the whole Universe, according to its Point of view



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