T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Political Alternatives of the Security Strategies

( Volume 16 issue 3,March 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tamar Kupreishvili, Tornike Okropilashvili


Deterrence Policy, Big Strategic Security, Neutrality, Strategic Alliance, International Regime.


Based on the historical dynamics, the geo-political location is a key aspect to determine the security policy of the states and its long-term strategies. The first consideration is the provision of sovereignty and territorial integrity, and its maintenance requires deterring a potential enemy, and in some cases, self-defense. In order to achieve this task, the most experienced methods in national security architecture are strategic alliance and policy of neutrality. Among the mentioned strategies, special importance is given to the cost-benefit analysis and the foreign political vector, on which the states establish the security policy and the possible strategies for its provision.

The dynamics of international relations and empirical experience shows that some states violate international agreements and create a destructive environment. When the important players violate the general principles of international law and create such an environment, a domino effect of global vulnerability is created. When the international order can no longer provide stability, then neutral states are at high risk and start looking for allies to provide security. The formation of a security policy begins in proportion to the increased risks and challenges, which changes the existing conditions on the international platform and states remain without international guarantees. States try to increase their security and reduce risks by diversifying their sources of security, thus they form certain relationships into the military alliances.



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