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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Hypertension in Morocco: A Review

( Volume 7 Issue 6,December 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Abdeslam El Kardoudi , Kamal Kaoutar , Ahmed Chetoui , Fatiha Chigr , Mohamed Najimi


HTA is a major public health problem worldwide. Indeed, previous studies have reported that 26.4% of the adult population was hypertensive, for an estimated total of 972 million people: 333 million in developed countries and 639 million in developing countries. For the year 2025, researchers estimated that 29.2% of the adult population will be hypertensive, which represents 1.56 billion individuals, leading by consequent to an increase of 60% in 25 years. In addition, the morbidity and the mortality caused by this disease is increasing in a remarkable way in the developing countries. In Morocco hypertension prevalence data are very scare and limited, the national survey of the Ministry of Health conducted in 2000, reveals a prevalence of 33.6%; a rate that remains high as in other Maghreb or in Mediterranean countries. With regard to the factors involved in this epidemiological situation, it is clear that the radical and irreversible change in lifestyle has contributed significantly to the increase in chronic disease rates, including hypertension. The other main factors could be summarized as: age, food, sedentary lifestyle. It should be noted that there is a almost absence of studies on the prevalence of hypertension and the associated factors in Morocco, which in itself is a limiting factor for understanding the etiology of hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension in Morocco remains high, investigations carried out in this context could improve scientific knowledge and thus, contribute to the prevention and control of the various factors associated with this disease. The objective of this work is to summarize the published work, in relation with the prevalence of hypertension and associated factors in Morocco.



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