T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Prevalence of Work-Related Stress and Addiction Due To It among Indians

( Volume 13 Issue 2,August 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ravi Kumar, Divyam Sharma, Sufiya Akil Khan, Somya Singh, Rakhi Pandey


Work Related Stress,Job Satisfaction, Addiction, Alcohol, WRS Questionnaire.


Work Related Stress (WRS) is one of the common types of mental health and stress disorder among Indian that affects the physical, psychological as well as social health of people and has the capability to lead a person to different kinds of addiction. As the name suggests, this research was conducted to investigate the presence of work-related stress and addictive personality among Indians. This cross-sectional study was conducted with the help of Google Form. A specific personalized questionnaire was developed by using Work Stress Questionnaire, job satisfaction questionnaire and self-administered question to assess level of addiction. The Snowball sampling technique was used to spread questionnaires to 200 randomly selected participants. The form was circulated using different social media platforms. In the results, out of 200 selected participants 186 responded to the questionnaire. From total responses 55.4% were male and 44.6% were female. And 31.4% were in mild levels of stress, 43.2% were in moderate, 17.8 % were in severe stress, and 7.6 % were in extreme levels of stress. In the overall response, 68.6% respondents were in moderate to severe levels of stress due to their work. mobile phone and food addiction were shown higher in respondents.



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