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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Principled Leadership and Business Ethics: Innovative Models of Mission-Drift Avoidance in Social Entrepreneurship Hybrid Venture Development and Management

( Volume 16 issue 3,March 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Agatha K. Rokicki


Mission-Drift, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship Hybrid , Venture, Social Mission.


The purpose of this research is to demonstrate that SE must to be ethically developed and managed, especially, SE hybrid organizations (SEHOs), to avoid the mission-drift, to sustain the very existence and purpose of these entities. Research aims to present that interrelated concepts of principled leadership (PL) and business ethics (BE), are innovative models of ethical development and management for SE hybrid organizations (SEHOs). When simultaneously implemented by social entrepreneurs - se(s) and social managers - sm(s), establishing and maintaining ethical SEHVs’ cultures, where SEHVs can flourish and prolong. This research is of a descriptive nature, a deductive approach and a quantitative survey design. Cross-sectional online questionnaire and non-profit questionnaires are delivered via email to SEHVs selected according to specific research criteria. Research results confirm that principled leadership (PL) and business ethics (BE), are innovative models of mission-drift avoidance in SEHV development and management, making a clear distinction between the two phases, resulting in organizational sustainability. Adopting principled leadership (PL) and business ethics (BE), allows SEHVs to successfully establish and manage these ventures with mission-drift avoidance, prioritizing and advancing their social missions, promoting social wealth, social impact and social change, at the same time contributing to social and economic development, solving a predominant number of world’s problems.



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