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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Psychological and Spiritual Growth in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Forest of Enchantment

( Volume 20 Issue 1,January 2025 ) OPEN ACCESS

Naincy Kumari


Forest, Transformation, Psychological growth, Spiritual Development, Feminist Literature, The Forest of Enchantment, Sita, Symbolism, Rebirth.


In The Forest of Enchantment by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. It is another retelling of the Ramayana, but this time. The novel depicts the forest as a symbol of transformation, both psychological and spiritual. Divakaruni’s Through the Woods shows the themes of rebirth, resilience, and identity as Sita and other female characters experience. This research looks at the forest as a metaphorical and literal space where characters, especially Sita, confront their inner conflicts, overcome obstacles, and emerge changed.  This article looks at the psychological and spiritual elements of the forest, illustrating how it shapes the characters’ journeys towards self-discovery and empowerment.



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