T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Relationship of Gymming with Mental Health, Body Image Satisfaction, Aggression and Happiness

( Volume 3 Issue 3,September 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Manpreet Ola, Dr. Dweep Chand Singh


The whole purpose behind this research was to study individuals who engage themselves in regular recreation body building exercises, to improve their current body images and its impact on their mental health, happiness and aggression. Lately all around us if we look at news articles, clippings of magazines, and social media all are influencing us to work towards “perfect bodies”. It is essential for us to realize and focus on this issue and see how it can be fruitful for our knowledge base. Studies on this over time have shown that gym going individuals have advantage for their mental health. Looking at our research findings we can see thatgym goers had slightly better body image satisfaction (33.61) as compared to non gym goers (33.00); for aggression also gym goers had scored significantly lower (70.08) as compared to non gym goers (78.81) and there was significant difference between them on this dimension(t= 2.06; p= 0.05); for mental health also gym goers had scored lower (9.75) as compared to non gym goers (11.15);; and while looking for relationship between gymming to body image satisfaction, mental health, happiness and aggression findings indicate that for relationship between gymming with mental health it was seen to be negative (-.158), with body image satisfaction there was positive relationship (.242); with happiness also there was seen to be a significant positive correlation (.258). With the help of this paper and after reviewing vast literature on this it can be concluded that mental health professionals should take this issue seriously and create awareness regarding body image dissatisfaction and its impact on their mental wellbeing and also how its impacting our other aspects of life.

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