T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Retail Attributes Influencing Buyer Behavior in Apparel Stores

( Volume 2 Issue 1,January 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

M.K. Sharma, Rubina Sajid


Many retailers give importance of store environment to measure purchasing behavior as a tool for market differentiation Apparel retailers are known to design store environment in a manner that will enhance buyers positive feelings that lead to desired buyer behavior. The importance of store environment helps in enhancing the shopping experience of buyers which has long been appreciated. Retail stores that offers pleasing and attractive physical environment are eye catching and are more appealing. The excessive buyer footfall will create a competitive environment among other stores and most likely entice more buyers. Consumer behavior is the study that allows focusing on how people buy, what they buy, when and why they buy. It studies the distinct characteristics of individual buyers such as demographics, psychographics and behavioral variables, in an effort to understand buyer wants and needs. Two distinguished apparel stores Fabindia and Anokhi were chosen for the research. Random sampling technique was used for data collection and data was collected personally visiting the stores and contacting the buyers. The findings reveal the factors that play a greater role in influencing the purchasing behavior of buyers in retail stores. Therefore there was a rising need to evaluate the major drivers of purchasing behavior in Indian context.

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