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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Review of Lok Purusha Doctrine of Ayurveda Psychology in Cognitive Correction during Counseling

( Volume 11 issue 5,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Thushara Joy


Ayurveda psychology, Cognitive therapy, Counseling, Lok purusha, siddhanta


Perceptual errors and cognitive distortion is considered as a main reason behind maladaptive behavior of individuals. In Ayurveda psychology cognitive correction utilizes principles of a doctrine termed as Lok purusha or the theorem of interconnectedness of man and universe. The doctrine has various components which are utilized for counseling especially while providing psychological first aid for a trauma affected patients and in grief counseling. The previous published works published are focused upon the physiological, anatomical and spiritual utility of this doctrine. On the other hand this theorem stands as a base for various cognitive therapies in Ayurveda. The publications regarding the utility in psychology are not to be found.  Hence this review article is an attempt to bring light into the doctrine’s multiple dimensions of sociology neurology and psychology and elaborate how it is applied in the cognitive therapy of Ayurveda.



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