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World Journal of Research and Review

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SDFW Analysis of Mutual Coupling on Microstrip Antenna Array Conformal to Curved

( Volume 2 Issue 6,June 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Deepika, Mr. Kapil Mangla, Mr. Umer


In this paper, Analysis of mutual coupling on microstrip patch antenna array conformal to curved surface is studied for both E-plane and H-plane. Far field radiation patterns and current distributions on individual patches have been obtained and plotted. The effect of E-plane and H-plane separation between radiating elements on mutual coupling coefficients has been analyzed.The approach makes use of the popular and rigorously used spectral domain full wave analysis method in conjunction with method of moment as numerical analysis tool. The electric field due to rectangular patch is obtained by solving integral equation which involves Green’s function in spectral domain. The integral equations thus formed are converted into a system of linear equations by the use of method of moment. In the method of moment, the unknown patch current is expressed into a set of linear combination of entire domain basis function weighted by unknown coefficients which are determined after solving linear system of equation. After determining current distribution on the patch antenna, the input impedance and radiation characteristics are obtained. To incorporate the effect of mutual coupling, the scattering matrix is used to describe the multiport network and mutual coupling coefficients are then obtained from scattering parameters. Simulations are done using MATLAB 2007b. Mutual coupling coefficients for E-plane and H-plane coupling are calculated by varying elemental spacing in both E and H-plane.

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