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Simultaneous Quantification by HPLC of Three Therapeutically Active Components Quercitin, Kaempferol & Naringin in the Ethanolic Extract of Merremia Emarginata (Burm.F)Hallier F. & Its Application as a Quality Control Tool

( Volume 11 Issue 3,September 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Seema R. Saple, Hardik R. Shah, Vikas V. Vaidya


HPLC, Kaempferol, Naringin, Quercitin.


Merremia emarginata(Burm.f)Hallier f.commonly known as Akhuparni  is a medicinal Plant belonging to the family Convolvulacea. The plants possess many proven biological activities and phytoconstituents is also used in marketed ayurvedic formulations.   The present study reports the HPLC method which has been developed and validated for simultaneous quantification of Quercitin, Kaempferol & Naringin from extract of whole plant of M. emarginata and its formulation. Jasco 2000 series HPLC system was used with PDA detector for the experiment. The method involves use of a C18 column (Finpak, C18 25cm X 4.6 mm, 5μm) as a stationary phase. Mobile phase was gradient mixture of methanol and 0.1% Orthophosphoric acid with a flow rate of 1 ml/min wavelength used for simultaneous analysis is 270nm. The developed method was then validated in accordance with the ICH guidelines in terms of specificity, linearity, LOD, LOQ,precision and recovery.The validated method was successfully applied for quantification of three components in a reliving worm infestation “Krimighna Kashya” containing Ipomea reniformis extract. This method can also be used as a quality control tool for other formulations or dietary supplements containing the extract of M. emarginata.

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