T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Smart Phones in the Work Place

( Volume 11 Issue 1,July 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Roshan Jain, Manawati Panwar


Smartphones, job satisfaction .


In the past decade, Smartphones have been developed and increasingly integrated with people’s lives not only for social use, but for professional use as well. Many researchers claim that Smartphones can have negative consequences in the workplace such as lowering productivity. Companies, however, have a difficult time mandating a policy in regards to prohibiting the use of Smartphones. Therefore, CEOs and corporate leaders should encourage their employees to use their Smartphones as tools for increasing their company’s efficiency. This research aims to examine the results of the use of Smartphones in the workplace as integrated internal connection tools. Using Smartphones in the workplace can be valuable in three ways: promoting autonomy, strengthening relationships with peers as well as superiors, and improving knowledge-sharing. Moreover, these three main factors can increase employee job satisfaction, which leads to better efficiency in the workplace. Organizations will be better able to successfully adapt with changes that are occurring every day by integrating the use of Smartphones in the workplace.

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