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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Some Remarks About the Graeae (Graiai)

( Volume 4 Issue 3,March 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Juan S. Gomez-Jeria


The center of the present work is the encounter of the Indo-European hero Perseus with the Graeae. Some comments about the end of the Bronze Age are offered together with the thesis that Perseus was a real human being. A description of the Graeae, based on early Greek texts and pictorial representations, is presented. Several new questions about these enigmatic figures are presented. Who had this idea first? Why are they called “horror", "waster of cities, “alarm”? Why they shared one eye and one tooth? Why were they only two at the beginning? Why does their number increase to three? Why they were forced to release information making both temporarily blind at the same time? Some provisory answers are provided and discussed.



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