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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Road Network of Selected Major Routes in Port Harcourt City, Nigeria

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Gladys Chineze Emenike, Precious Ibezi


The study evaluated the spatio-temporal analysis of road network of selected major routes namely Choba-Rumuola-Eleme Junction route and Choba-Rumuokoro-Eleme Junction route. The use of counting method was employed to estimate the vehicular movement (inflow and outflow). The impedances on the two roads were recorded and mapped using Global Positioning Systems. Stopwatch was used to record the time taken in each of the impedance location. Findings revealed that the total vehicular inflow along Choba-Rumuola-Eleme Junction route was highest on Wednesdays with 1159 vehicles and least on Sundays with 677 vehicles. The outflow was least on Sundays and highest on Mondays with 715 and 1224 vehicles respectively. Furthermore, the total inflow was highest in the evening (2622 vehicles) and the least was observed in the afternoon (1826 vehicles). The total vehicles plying Choba-Rumuola-Eleme Junction route were 13786 vehicles while along Choba-Rumuokoro-Eleme Junction route were 6545. Time lost during the vehicular inflow along Choba-Rumuola-Eleme Junction route was highest at Rumuokwuta Junction (6708.6s) while along Choba-Rumuokoro-Eleme Junction route, time lost was highest at Rumuokoro Roundabout (5210.4s). The total time lost along Choba-Rumuola-Eleme Junction route was higher (42105.21s) than that of Choba-Rumuokoro-Eleme Junction route (25233.0s) whereby cars were the highest (>70%) type of vehicles recorded along the two routes. The study recommended among others that motorist should try to avoid both Rumuokoro Roundabout and Rumuokwuta Junction when plying these roads.

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