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Study of the Academic Stress In Relation To Personality, Intelligence, and Achievement Motivation among Secondary School Students With Reference To Their Gender

( Volume 13 Issue 4,October 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Amit Kumar Gosar, Stacy Wilson, Saindhavi Venkatraman


Academic stress, Intelligence, Personality, Extraversion, Introversion, Achievement motivation


The study has been carried out with the purpose of understanding the relationship of academic stress in the school children with various other variables like their intelligence, their personality in terms of extraversion and introversion and their achievement motivation. The study was carried out on the students of higher secondary schools from Navi Mumbai and 120 students with equal numbers of male and female students were recruited for this study. Data for this study was collected using various validated instruments such as Cattell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Test, TJEPQR-S, Bisht Battery of Stress Scales and Deo-Mohan Achievement Motivation Scale. Various statistical techniques like correlation coefficient and t test were employed for analyzing the data.

The correlation coefficients between Academic stress and other variables like Intelligence, personality and achievement motivation were found to be -0.77, -0.87 and -0.66 respectively, which are showing high negative correlation. This indicates that academic stress is high with students having low IQ and also with students who are introverts. Similarly students with high academic stress have low achievement motivation.

The comparison of means using t test reveals that there is no significant difference in the stress levels of male and female students. However, there is significant difference in stress levels of extrovert and introvert students and students with low and high IQ. It is also observed that there is a significant difference in the level of achievement motivation in students with low academic stress and high academic stress. 



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