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World Journal of Research and Review

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Study on the Growth and Yield Potential of Promising Wheat Genotypes under Modified Agronomical Practices

( Volume 6 Issue 1,January 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Moushumi Akhtar, Mosleh Ud-Deen, Ilias Hossain


A field experiment was conducted to investigate the combined effect of NPKS (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash and sulpher) fertilizer with cow dung on the growth and yield of promising wheat genotypes. Organic matter in the initial soil of the experimental field is very low (0.94%). The objective of study was to investigate the varietal/genotypic in producing maximum yield under different soil and environmental condition. To estimate the nutrient use efficiency of wheat genotypes and to support wheat breeding program in selecting the genotypes with relatively higher yield potential.To determine optimum rate of NPKS for wheat genotypes .The results revealed that maximum growth parameters responded significantly to NPKS fertilizers. Application of NPKS in combination increased wheat yield, gave the highest grain yield (4.21 t ha-1) from M4 management, due the higher number of grains spike-1over nutrient management. The highest grain yield (4.29 t ha-1) was recorded from G3 (BAW1161) genotypes. Among the interaction of nutrient management and genotypes produced the highest grain yield (4.60 t ha-1) in M4G3 (i.e 150% RF+10 t ha-1cowdung and BAW1161) which may be considered as the best treatment combination. Different genotypes showed variable response to nutrient management.

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