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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Technology Application in Teaching British Culture and English Literature: A Case Study at a Rural Teacher Training College in Vietnam

( Volume 11 Issue 1,July 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dan Tam Thi Nguyen


British Culture, communicative language teaching, English Literature, technology


Using technology in English language teaching has been discussed widely. There have been numerous studies drawing on the effectiveness of using technology in improving students’ learning English. However, those studies mainly focused on how technology was integrated to enhance students’ English skills, not to deal with abstract and difficult texts from other subjects in the English language higher education programs like British Culture (BC) and English Literature (EL). As BC and EL are the core subjects in the English language teacher education program in Vietnam, a case study was conducted to explore the integration of technology in teaching those two subjects. This study had 60 student teachers of English and six lecturers at a teacher training college in the South of Vietnam. Data were gathered from surveys, interviews, focus groups and classroom observations. The findings show that thanks to the application of videos and multimodal resources that those lecturers structured communicative activities to engage students in meaningful practices.

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