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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

The Application Mode and Effectiveness of Playful Positive Psychology Course with Six Bricks and DUPLO® Play Box for High School Students

( Volume 9 Issue 6,December 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Pay-Ling Harn


This study was aimed at using the playful approach of Six Bricks and DUPLO® Play Box (SBPB) to develop the playful positive psychology course (PPPC) for Taiwan high school students. 21 Taiwanese high school students were invited to attend 2-hour SBPB PPPC, including 14 male students and 7 female students. The core curriculum content was based on the broaden-and-buildtheory of positive emotions. The "positivity-ratio scale" developed by Fredrickson was used to conduct pre-test and post-test. Paired-sample t testwas adopted to evaluate the impact of SBPB PPPC on the positive emotions, negative emotions and positivity-ratios of high school students. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) positive emotions and positivity-rations exhibited upward trends, whereas negative emotions presented a declining trend. The positivity-ratio is from 1.79 to 13.54. After participating in the course, it is converted from below positivity-ratio 3 to above positivity-ratio 3. (2) The score of positive emotions, negative emotions, positivity-ratio achieved significant immediate effect. SBPB PPPC has the effect of promoting positive emotional adaptation for high school students. Based on the results of the study, suggestions are made for the subsequent use of Six Bricks and DUPLO® Play Box in the adolescents’ curriculum.



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