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World Journal of Research and Review

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The Effects of Logotherapy on Depression in People with HIV / AIDS (ODHA)

( Volume 12 Issue 1,January 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Sri Burhani Putri, Welly


HIV/AIDS, logotherapy, depression


Background: It is very important to pay attention to the quality of life in HIV / AIDS patients because this infectious disease is chronic and progressive so that it has a wide impact on all aspects of life, whether physical, psychological, social, or spiritual. Logotherapy is a therapy that can be used for patients with depression. Methods: The design of this study was a quasi-experimental pre-post control group with the aim of seeing changes in the depressive condition of HIV / AIDS patients before and after being given logotherapy. Data collection was carried out using the Cronic Epidemiological Depression Scale (CESD) instrument and the University of Indonesia Mental Nursing Therapy Module. Results: The results showed the mean value for depression in people with HIV / AIDS in this study was 22.34 (SD = 5,827) before being given logotherapy and the mean value for depression in people with HIV / AIDS in this study was 18.04 (SD = 3,217) after being given logotherapy. Conclusion: There is a significant difference between depression levels of people with HIV/AIDS (ODHA) before and after logotherapy intervention.



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