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World Journal of Research and Review

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The Effects of School Facilities on Internal Efficiency: The Case of Selected Bilingual Secondary Schools in Yaounde Centre

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr. Emmanuel NDJEBAKAL SOUCK, Mr. Genevarius NJI


This study sets out to study the relationship that exists between school facilities and internal efficiency in Government Bilingual Secondary Schools in Yaounde centre. Both the quantitative and the qualitative approaches were used to collect and analyse data. In the quantitative approach, questionnaires were used while in the qualitative approach, an observation guide was elaborated. The simple random sampling and the purposeful sampling techniques were used to select 543 teachers from 10 Government Bilingual Secondary Schools (GBSS). Spearman correlation formula was used to determine the relationship between the variables under study and a correlation index of 0.67 was obtained with level of significance of 0.00< 0.05 This overwhelmingly reveals that school facilities significantly influence the internal efficiency of secondary schools in Yaounde Centre. Some recommendations were made to education stake holders.

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