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The Effects of Warm Plasma and HF Electrical Field on Beam-Plasma Interaction in Plasma Waveguide

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Kh. H. El-Shorbagy, S. A. Shalaby


We investigated in this paper the stabilizing effects of warm plasma and a strong HF electrical field on a two-stream (Buneman) instability in a plane and cylindrical plasma waveguide. Starting from the two-fluid plasma model to separate the problem into two parts, temporal and space. Plasma electrons are considered to have a thermal velocity. It is shown that independent of the geometry of the problem the conclusion on the HF stabilization of Buneman instability in a plasma waveguide remains valid and the growth rate of the instability in warm plasma has been reduced compared to that of cold plasma. The influence of HF electric field on the instability of a low-density electron beam passing through warm plasma waveguide is also reported.

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