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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

The Impact Of Psychological Support On The Stress Level Of Post Partum Mothers During the Covid19 pandemic in the work area of the Lubuk Alung Health Center

( Volume 13 Issue 5,November 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Gusma Dewi, Rahmatul Ulya


Psychological Support, Postpartum Mothers, Stress, Covid-19.


One of the most common psychological problems during the puerperium is the baby blues. Midwives as a place to pour out all their hearts and difficulties in dealing with pregnancy and postpartum. Health workers must be able to recognize the conditions that occur around pregnant women. Good relationships, mutual trust can make it easier for midwives/health workers to provide health education. Anxiety when trying to do an examination of postpartum mothers is often felt by post partum mothers during the corona virus pandemic. The reason is, since Indonesia has been affected by COVID-19, visiting the hospital is not recommended (except in an emergency). The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of psychological support on post partum mothers' stress levels during the Covid19 pandemic. This research method is a Quasi Experimental design with a post test only control group design. Data analysis used the T test to see the effect between the variables studied. The results of the analysis using the T test showed that there was a significant effect of Psychological Support for pregnant women on the stress level of post partum mothers, where p-value <0.05 with a large p-value of 0.00..



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