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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

The Observed Rotation of the Galaxies Without the Need of Dark Matter

( Volume 4 Issue 3,March 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Jacob Schaf


The goal of the present work is showing that the new theory of gravitation, conceived within the context of the Higgs theory and perfectly corroborated by recent experimental observations, predicts, with incredible details, the observed rotation of the galaxies without the need of dark matter. The non-Keplerian rotation of the galaxies is actually one of the most serious impasses of the current theories of space and gravitation. From the viewpoint of these theories, galaxies rotate much too fast to be hold together by the gravitational force and or the spacetime curvature, generated by the content and distribution of their visible matter. In order to preserve these theories, a huge amount of very exotic dark matter is usually postulated.

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