T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

The Quantitative Importance of DASRI in the Regional Hospital Center of Tetouan City, Morocco

( Volume 7 issue 1,July 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Raoui Sidi Mohammed, Bougatouch Youssef, Chadli Brahim, Errachidi Faouzi, Chadli Noureddine


This work determined the quantitative importance of the daily production of hospital waste and the share of safe waste and DASRI in the 18 units of care of the Tetouan Regional Hospital Center over a period of four weeks (April 2017). The results showed a total monthly production of DASRI were 5985 Kg. The daily production was 0.92 Kg/bed/day. The typology of the DASRI revealed a dominance of infectious objects whose weight ranged from 130.50 Kg to 276.70 Kg. The placentas was 71.80 Kg to 87.50 Kg and the sharpness ranged from 0.60 Kg to 16.80 Kg. The average production of DASRI in the different units of care of the hospital has been variable. The high amounts were recorded in hemodialysis service (P = 50.33 Kg/day), emergencies (P = 36 Kg/day) and obstetrics (P = 30.77 Kg/day). The low productions were observed in ophthalmology and men's and women's surgery services.

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