T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

The Role of Christian Religion on Students’ Discipline in Public Catholic Sponsored Secondary Schools in Loitokitok, Kajiado County, Kenya

( Volume 17 Issue 2,August 2023 ) OPEN ACCESS

Buore M.A., Ouma C. N., Mwita J.


Christian Education, Discipline, peer Influence, school culture


The purpose of this paper is to share the findings of a study on the Role of Christianity on Student Discipline in secondary schools that was motivated by the unique role Christianity plays in character formation and teachings on obedience. With increased agitation on children’s rights, banning corporal punishment which helped in maintaining discipline has become a challenge with increased secularization in schools. The study sought to establish the impact of Christianity on students’ discipline with Christianity as the Independent Variable and Student’s discipline as the dependent variable. The study construct is guidance and counseling, as independent variable. The research questions the study sought to answer are; how effective is Christianity on student’s discipline? The study design was a cross-sectional research design and the target population was Catholic sponsored public Secondary schools in Loitokitok sub-county in Kajiado County where study sample was extracted. The study sought to use both primary and secondary data which were both qualitative as well as quantitative. The data was collected using questionnaires; direct observations and interviews. A pilot survey was conducted to check veracity of the study instrument. The questionnaire reliability test Cronbach Alpha α = 0.764. The results above 0.7 indicate the study instrument is reliable. The data collected was analyzed using both descriptive as well as statistical analysis. The study sampled and distributed 364 questionnaires. The response rate achieved was 95.9% corresponding to 349 complete questionnaires for data analysis. The data was cleaned, coded, organized ready for analysis. The study findings indicate a strong correlation of between Christian education and discipline in schools with a correlation coefficient r = 0.724. A report was compiled from the study analysis results and presented for defense and publishing.

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