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World Journal of Research and Review

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The Suitability of Models to Prefigure Organic Functions and to Avoid Item Dispersion of a Variable Indexing on Height Rather than BSA Shown by Comparing Two Studies

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Giancarlo Ruggieri


A previous study based on theoretical data on the glomerular filtration rate evaluated the effect of different indexations on the distribution of the indexed values versus the distribution of the non-indexed values; this study showed that the lowest dispersion of values was due to indexation based on height. Consequently, we planned to confirm these theoretical results by comparing them to a parallel study based on the values of the clearance of creatinine in a real population of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. This study showed a very strong correlation between the results of the theoretical study and the study of the real population, thus demonstrating the suitability of this preliminary approach for research using theoretical models to preview and confirm the results of a study using a real population.

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