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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Thyroid Abscess in Children: A Case Report

( Volume 12 Issue 4,April 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

S.Alaoui, W. Lahmini, F.Taher , M .Bourrous


Thyroid abscess, cervical CT scan.


Thyroid abscess is a rare disease entity. It is an unusual situation because of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the gland which gives it a capacity to resist infection. We reported the case of a patient 4 years old, who was consulted following ;We report the case of a 4 year old patient who presented with a left cervical inflammatory mass that had been evolving for 5 days. The initial biological work-up showed a positive infectious syndrome, and a cervical CT scan confirmed a collection in the left lobe of the thyroid. A thyroid work-up was normal. The therapeutic attitude consisted in the administration of probabilistic antibiotics. The clinico-biological and radiological evolution was favorable. The etiological investigation came back negative. This is why further medical research is necessary, especially as the results of the etiological investigation remain limited in the case of paediatric thyroid abscess.

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