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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Unlocking the Virtues Leadership Trait: Conceptual Framework towards Managerial Efficiency

( Volume 8 Issue 2,February 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tahira Haider, Rezian-na Muhammed Kassim, Valliappan Raju


The aim of this paper is to unlocking the concept of virtue leadership functional framework encapsulates the critical dimension that captures the diversity of research in the leadership field. In meticulous, previous studies have not detailed out the virtues leadership in a transcendental perspective, and there is not yet an exact body of research and pragmatic studies that focus on organizational effectiveness. This paper begins by defining virtues leadership, and then links the definition of virtual leadership, proponents of virtue leadership. The results show that great virtual leaders are possible to help or teach people to become virtuous leader and affect the outcome of effectives of organizational performance. This conceptual paper contributes to the conceptual framework of virtual leadership characteristic in leading an organization of the Industrial 4.0. Implications of the model add to the body of knowledge and leadership management practices.

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