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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Usability Study on User Interface and User Experience Design Patterns

( Volume 12 Issue 6,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Harsh Kachhawa, Ankit Kumar Tiwari


Design Understanding, User Experience Understanding, User Interface Understanding, UI/UX Trend.


As the IOT (Internet of things), mobile phones, and cloud computing technologies have evolved, interface technologies have evolved more into GUI, CUI and NUI, and another sort of UI/UX is predicted to be developed within the future. Advancement in personal computing and information technologies have fundamentally transformed how maps are produced and is consumed, as numerous maps today are profoundly interactive and conveyed online or through mobile devices. Accordingly, we need to think about interaction as a fundamental complement to representation in cartography and visualization. UI (user interface) / UX (user experience) describes a group of concepts, guidelines, and workflows for critically brooding about the design and the use of a much interactive product, map-based or other else. This entry introduces core the concepts from UI/UX design important to cartography and visualization, that specialize in issues associated with visual design.

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