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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Using Google Docs and Forms to Develop Enhanced e-debates in English for Elementary School Pupils

( Volume 7 Issue 6,December 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Panagiotis Georgalas, Adamos Anastasiou, Despina Androutsou


This study aims at the development of elementary school pupils' critical thinking, along with their debate and writing skills in the English language. This model uses collaborative texts in order to increase the interaction not only among the pupils but also between the teacher and the pupils. It is based on targeted exploitation of the Google Drive platform. Several team-working tools are used such as Google Docs and Questionnaires. The whole educational approach tends to be student-oriented, since the pupils themselves are both the creators and the evaluators of the educational outcomes. The method was applied to 46 5th grade pupils of a model primary experimental school in Greece. Taking into consideration the results of the research, we conclude that the targeted usage of some of the new Web 2.0 educational tools could broaden the existing educational horizons and become beneficial to the development of new skills and abilities on students’ part.



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