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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Validity and Reliability of a Questionnaire Instrument for the Development of a Humanistic Teaching Competency Model among School Teachers

( Volume 19 Issue 3,September 2024 ) OPEN ACCESS

Helmi Nayan, Norazilawati


validity, reliability, instrument, humanistic competence


This study focuses on examining the validity and reliability of instruments to evaluate the questionnaire used in the study. The questionnaire instrument developed was adapted from a study by Sukor Beram (2022). Each item was modified to suit the needs of the study, which aims to assess the development of a Competency Model Based on Humanistic Teaching Among School Teachers. Face and content validity were determined through expert reviews, with five experts providing feedback on aspects such as language, sentence structure, and confirming the domains of the developed content. The research instrument was assessed by these experts, and a pilot study was conducted involving 20 teachers across Penang. The software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 26.0 was employed to calculate the Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient for each item. The results indicated that the alpha coefficient reached ⍺=.976, suggesting that all items built demonstrated high reliability, making the instrument suitable for assessing the development needs of the intended application.



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