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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Variation in Autonomic Function (Cans) Tests in Young Adults with and Without Parental History of Diabetes Mellitus

( Volume 7 Issue 5,November 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ankita Grover, Richa Rai, Priyanka Chugh


Introduction: Many studies have shown that children of diabetic parents are more likely to develop Diabetes, but very few studies have been done to find out early variation in autonomic function tests as an effect of Diabetes in normal children of diabetic parents. Aim & Objective: To assess and study any variation in autonomic function (CANS) tests among normal young adults, within the age group of 18-25 years, with and without parental history of Diabetes Mellitus. Method: Incidental sampling was done and 66 normal young adults were divided into two groups-CNDP (children of non-diabetic parents) and CDP (children of diabetic parents). Each subject underwent autonomic function (CANS) tests and their readings were noted. Results: Difference between means of CNDP and CDP groups was compared by t-test. No significant difference was found in Expiration-Inspiration Difference (E-I), Valsalva Ratio (VR) and Change in Diastolic Blood Pressure (∆DBP) in CDP group when compared to CNDP group. Conclusion: There is no significant variation in autonomic function (CANS) tests among normal young adults with and without parental hi of Diabetes Mellitus.

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